How to fix common accessibility issues with multimedia
Become familiar with common and issues and fixes by multimedia type below.
Common issues with video files
- Issue: no captions or transcript available for a video
- Fix: automatically generate captions and transcript with Kaltura
- Learn more:
- About the Kaltura REACH captioning service (IU Knowledge Base)
- Issue: video not describing what's being displayed on screen in enough detail
- Fix: create audio descriptions for the video
- Learn more:
- Basics for audio descriptions (IU Knowledge Base)
Common issues with audio files
- Issue: no transcript available for an audio file
- Fix: generate a transcript
- Learn more:
- Transcripts on the Web (uiAccess)
- Transcripts (W3C Web Accessibility Initiative)
Common issues for both audio and video files
- Issue: media player not controllable by using the keyboard
- Fix: find a different host for streaming content that uses an accessible player
- Fix: provide a way to download the multimedia file so the student can use a media player on their own computer