Step 1. Make sure qryDeptCoursesFA18NotOnWednesday is the open query.
Step 2. Switch to Design View.
Step 3. Open the Expression Builder in the Field row of the empty column to the right of Meeting:[MeetingDay]+" "+[MeetingTime].
Step 4. Use the Expression Builder to combine SemesterYear and SectionNumber into one column. Make sure to include a space between SemesterYear and SectionNumber.
Step 5. Rename the field Expr1 to SemYearSect.
Step 6. Select the SemYearSect column, then press and drag the column so it's between the DeptName and SemesterYear columns.
Step 7. Hide the SemesterYear and SectionNumber fields.
Step 8. Switch back to Datasheet View to see the results.