Adobe Express (previously called Adobe Spark) is a design application that enables quick creation of graphics, print layouts, videos, web pages, and more. In these materials, we'll focus on the web page creation features of Adobe Express.
Adobe Express can be used to make web pages for a wide variety of uses, including presentations, parts of academic projects, advertising for events, and more. Creating a web page with Adobe Express is simple, and experience using HTML is not necessary in order to use Adobe Express to create a web page. Additionally, your work is automatically saved as you go, and you can collaborate with others to create a page as a group.
These materials will guide you through making a page in Adobe Express, including uploading images to a page, adding text, and exploring different layout types.
Logging into your Adobe account and navigating to Adobe Express
To start the process of creating a web page, you’ll need to log in to your Adobe account and navigate to Adobe Express. We’ll start out by going to the Adobe at IU page to accomplish this.