Now that the daily sales for the Entrance location have been compiled, we are ready to add them to the worksheet that contains the sales for the other three locations: Food court, Grandstand, and Pavilion.
Copying the practice workbook
If you are beginning this course at this point, you will need to copy the practice workbook to your Google Drive.
- To begin copying the practice workbook in a new browser window,
Right-Click Copy practice workbook, Click Open link in new window
The file begins to open in a new window of the web browser. Before the document will open and can be edited, we need to make a copy of it.
Move to the new browser window.
- To copy the workbook file, in the browser window,
A copy of the file is now open and, by default, is saved in your Google Drive. The filename now has the words "Copy of" at the beginning.
Let's begin by examining the Sales by Location worksheet.
- To move to the Sales by Location worksheet, at the bottom of the Sheets window,
Click the Sales by Location worksheet tab
The Sales by Location worksheet looks similar to the Sales - Entrance worksheet, but there are a few differences.
This worksheet contains sales data for three fundraising booths: Food court, Grandstand, and Pavilion. The worksheet shows the dates 6/5/2022 to 6/11/2022 and is in alphabetical order by location. The third column of the worksheet shows the beneficiaries for each booth and date. This is the group that will receive the donations from the booth. The fourth column shows the daily sales.
The Sales - Entrance worksheet does not contain a Beneficiary column. Let's move to that worksheet and add that data.
- To move to the Sales - Entrance worksheet, at the bottom of the Sheets window,
Click the Sales - Entrance worksheet tab
Before we can add this data to the Sales by Location worksheet, we need to add a column for the beneficiaries between the Location and Sales columns.
When a column is added to a worksheet, it is inserted to the left of the active cell.
- Make a cell in column C the active cell.
- To open the contextual menu,
Right-Click the selected cell
- To insert a column,
Click Insert 1 column left
- To add the column heading, in cell C1, type:
The bold formatting is automatically applied to the new column header.
Inserting data using the AutoComplete feature
As we add the beneficiary information, you will notice that there is a lot of repetition. There are seven beneficiary groups and each group will receive donations from multiple fundraising booths on multiple days. Google Sheet's AutoComplete feature makes data entry faster and more accurate by suggesting text that has already been entered in a column. After entering a word in a column once, Sheets will prompt you to use that text again.
Let's add the first three beneficiaries and use the AutoComplete feature to add the remaining names.
- Make cell C2 the active cell.
- To add the first beneficiary, type:
Humane Society
- To accept this entry, on the keyboard, press:
Enter key
- To add the second entry, type:
Senior Citizens Center Enter key
- To add the third entry, type:
Arts Programming Enter key
The worksheet looks like this:
We are ready to add the remaining beneficiaries. These will all repeat the previously entered text. The AutoComplete feature will make this a quick and easy task.
We will widen the column after entering all of the data.
- To see the AutoComplete suggestion for the fourth beneficiary, in cell C5, type:
The AutoComplete feature fills in the remaining text: Senior Citizens Center.
- To accept this suggestion, on the keyboard, press:
Enter key
- Use the AutoComplete feature to add the following beneficiaries to column C:
Cell Reference Value C6 Arts Programming C7 Senior Citizens Center C8 Arts Programming
- To widen column C,
Double-Click between the column C and column D headers
The Sales - Entrance worksheet is complete and ready to be copied to the Sales by Location worksheet.
Inserting multiple rows
Before we add the sales from the entrance location to the Sales by Location worksheet, we will need to add rows for this data. The Sales by Location worksheet is in alphabetical order by location. Therefore, the sales for the entrance will go at the top of the list.
To add multiple rows (or columns), it is necessary to select as many rows as you wish to add. There are seven days of sales for the entrance location. We will add seven rows underneath the heading row (row 1) in the Sales by Location worksheet.
Let's move to the Sales by Location worksheet and add the rows.
- Move to the Sales by Location worksheet.
- To begin selecting the rows, in the worksheet,
Point to
- To select rows 2 through 8, in the worksheet,
Press & Drag the headers for rows 2 through 8
The selected rows look like this:
- To add rows above the selected rows,
Right-Click the selected rows, Click Insert 7 rows above
- Deselect the rows.
With the new rows inserted, we have space to add the sales from the entrance location. We will do this by copying and pasting from the Sales - Entrance worksheet.
Copying and pasting from a different worksheet
Once again, we will return to the Sales - Entrance worksheet. We will select and copy the data to paste into the Sales by Location worksheet.
- Move to the Sales - Entrance worksheet.
- To select the cells that contain the data,
Press & Drag A2:D8
- To copy the selected cells,
Right-Click the selection, Click Copy
The selected data is now surrounded by a dashed border. This border is known as the marquee or marching ants. It gives us a way to know what data has been copied.
When pasting data in Google Sheets, it isn't necessary to select the entire range of destination cells. We can choose the cell in the upper left corner of the blank range. The copied data will fill in the range from that cell.
It is important to paste data into empty cells. Any pasted data will overwrite the current contents of a cell.
- Move to the Sales by Location worksheet.
- To paste the data in cells A2:D2,
Right-Click cell A2, Click Paste
- Deselect the range.
- Widen column C.
The Sales by Location worksheet is now complete with seven days of sales for all four booth locations.