additive color: a method of creating color by mixing a number of different colors of light to achieve a specific color
CMYK color: a color model for printing, where colors are created with different combinations of four colored inks - cyan, magenta, yellow, and black
color model: a system for creating a full range of colors from a small set of primary colors
display type: large or eye-catching type that is typically used for advertisements, headings, and other instances where type may be acting as an artistic element
gutter: the space between columns of text
kerning: the process of adjusting space between two individual characters of type to remove possible awkward space between the two letters
kicker: a short line of text before a headline, used to help supplement the headline or title of an article
lead-in: a typographic technique that involves styling the first line of an article differently than the rest of the body text, in order to help draw attention to the article
leading: spacing between two lines of body text; pronounced like the metal, lead
margin: space between the content on a page and the edge of a page
masthead: publishing information which includes the name, editor, and contact information for a publication
nameplate: element of a newsletter, magazine, or newspaper which contains the publication's name, volume and issue information, and date of publication
resolution: number of points of color contained in a square inch of a particular surface; when printing this refers to the amount of dots of color per inch (dpi) of paper, while on screen this refers to the amount of pixels per inch (ppi) of screen
RGB color: a color model for screens that uses different amounts of red, green, and blue light to display different colors
rule: a continuous line used as a page layout element to separate page elements
sans serif: a family of fonts that lack the small embellishments at the end of the strokes that compose each character
serif: a family of fonts that has small embellishments, or flags, at the end of the strokes that compose each character
spot color: any color generated by an ink that is printed in a single run, as opposed to adding color in multiple passes (such as how colors are created when printing with CMYK)
subhead: a title or heading of a subdivision in a chapter, essay, or newspaper article
subtractive color: a method of creating color by mixing colored inks or paints together to create new colors, with each new color absorbing (or subtracting) certain wavelengths of color but not others
thumbnailing: the process of sketching out a rough diagram of a layout, to help visualize what a finished page might look like and to help organize a page before adding elements to it
tracking: the process of adjusting space between all letters in a selection of text