Content credits
Content used in the exercise files for Premiere Pro: The Basics comes from the following sources:
Still images
The images used in the course are attributed to the following creators:
- 1_club.jpg taken by TJR Photography on Flickr (archived profile page from The Internet Archive)
- 2_lesson.jpg taken by Skdb on Wikimedia Commons
- 3_pinkdress taken by liza31337 on Flickr
- 4_wedding taken by holga_new_orleans on Wikimedia Commons
- 5_girls taken by TJR Photography on Flickr (archived profile page from The Internet Archive)
- 6_performance taken by Jeison Alejandro Flores on Wikimedia Commons
- Photograph used in title.jpg taken by Dphotographer on iStock
The audio files used in the course are attributed to the following creators:
- Narration provided by Jason Fickel.
- "Always" by George Olsen is in the public domain and accessible on The Internet Archive.