XML and EAD: Validating edmondson.xml with the EAD 2002 Schema
XML and EAD: Validating edmondson.xml with the EAD 2002 Schema
Now that we have all the content added to the document, let's make sure the document follows the rules for using EAD. To do this, we'll need to associate edmondson.xml with the EAD 2002 schema. After associating the document with the EAD 2002 schema, we can validate the document and see if there are any errors in our code.
For today's session, we'll be using the schema written using XML Schema Definitions (XSD), but the EAD 2002 schema is also available as a Document Type Definition (DTD) and in the Relax NG Schema (RNG) language. The EAD 2002 schemas are all available on the EAD 2002 Schema page of the EAD Official Site, hosted by the Library of Congress.
Let's associate edmondson.xml with the EAD 2002 schema, then validate it to check for errors.
To start the process of associating the EAD 2002 XSD schema with edmondson.xml, in the menu bar,
Click Document, Point Schema, Click Associate Schema...
To indicate which schema to use, in the URL field of the Associate Schema dialog box, type:
If necessary, to choose the schema type, in the Schema type dropdown,
Click , Click XML Schema
To finish associating edmondson.xml with the EAD 2002 schema, in the bottom right corner of the Associate Schema dialog box,
To validate edmondson.xml, in the toolbar near the top of the oXygen XML Editor screen,
If necessary, fix any problems with the document that appear in the Problems panel.