In Premiere Rush, you can easily overlay text onto your video by adding titles to the timeline. Premiere Rush offers a number of different templates for titles — some are simple and are only composed of text, while others include shapes and animation to help catch a viewer's attention. Once added to the timeline, titles are treated like a clip and can be edited in many of the same ways audio and video clips are.
We'll practice adding and editing titles in this lesson.
Before getting started with the lesson
Before starting this lesson, you'll need to complete the following steps:
Download the exercise files for this lesson and extract them to your desktop, if you haven't already done so.
Create a new project named Titles, and import the following exercise file from the RushBasics_Titles folder following the steps outlined in the lesson Starting a project and importing media:
Adding a title to a video
In Premiere Rush, the Graphics collection contains a wide variety of templates for titles, transition graphics, and overlay graphics. There are two different ways we can open the Graphics collection to add a title to a sequence:
by choosing Graphics in the Add Media pop-up menu
by clicking on the Add Graphics button in the Graphics panel
Once a title has been added to the timeline, we can make edits to it using the Graphics panel.
NOTE: Due to a bug in Premiere Rush that occurs for users with Adobe Creative Cloud education licenses, an error message will appear when trying to use a graphic template in the Media Browser panel that hasn’t previously been downloaded and installed on your computer. The following steps contain the workaround for this issue for education license users – if you have a different license for Adobe Creative Cloud, you can skip steps 1-3 and start with step 4.
To get started, we’ll need to download a title template from the Adobe Stock website.
To navigate to the Adobe Stock website, click the following URL:
To sign in to your Adobe account, if necessary, at the top right corner of the page,
Click Sign in
To continue the sign-in process, in the Email address field,
type your email address in the format, Click
At the IU Login screen, log in with your IU username and passphrase.
To indicate you want to search for templates, to the right of the search field near the top of the page,
Click, Click Templates
To search for all templates that have the word “stylish” in the name, in the search field,
Click inside the search field, type: stylish Enter key
To open the filter panel so we can filter the search results, near the upper left side of the page,
To filter the results so we only see templates that will work in Premiere Rush, under the App heading in the Filter panel,
Click the checkbox next to Premiere Rush
The results will now show only templates that can be used in Premiere Rush, and if we scroll through the list, we should see the Stylish Crisscross template in the results:
To view details for the Stylish Crisscross template, in the list of search results,
scroll until you see the thumbnail labeled MOGRT Stylish Crisscross, Click on the Stylish Crisscross thumbnail
To download the template, in the Stylish Crisscross details,
The template will download to your computer. Make note of where the file was saved to – if your browser didn’t prompt you to choose where to save the file, the file was likely downloaded to your computer’s Downloads folder.
Switch back to the Premiere Rush window.
To open the Graphics panel, on the right side of the screen in the Panel dock,
To start installing the template, in the upper right corner of the Graphics panel,
Click, Click Install template
Navigate to the location on your computer where you saved the downloaded template.
To select the template to install, in the Open dialog box,
Click AdobeStock_358401084.mogrt, Click
The template is now installed, though we won’t see any confirmation from Premiere Rush that the template was installed successfully.
With the title template installed, we can now add the title to the timeline. Let's go ahead and add a title to the sequence using the Add Media button, then we'll learn how to edit its appearance.
To move the playhead to the beginning of the timeline, on the keyboard, press:
Control key + Up Arrow key
To start the process of adding a title, in the upper left corner of the Premiere Rush interface,
Click, Click
The Media Browser panel will open and display a collection of different types of graphics. Let's view only the title graphics.
To view only title graphics, at the top of the Media Browser,
Click , Click
From here, we can search for a specific title template using the search bar.
To find the title preset to use, near the top of the Media Browser panel,
Click, type: Stylish Crisscross Enter key
To select the preset and add it to the sequence, in the Titles panel,
NOTE: If you see the error message “An error occurred during download from Adobe Stock server. Please try again.” when attempting to add the title to the timeline, follow the instructions in step 1 and step 2 to download and install the title template.
To see the text that needs changing, in the timeline,
Press & Drag the playhead to the right until the text is visible in the Preview monitor
To change the title text, in the Preview monitor,
Double-click the text “This is how the story begins”, type: Cat Facts
To change the subtitle text, in the Preview monitor,
Double-click the text “and this is how it ends”, type: Fun facts about felines
Editing a title
Once a title has been added, we can adjust its appearance by using the Edit options in the Graphics panel. We can change the title's font, size, and color, as well as make other adjustments to the appearance of the text. We can also make changes to a title's position on the screen in the Preview monitor, and adjust the duration on the timeline. For example, we can reposition a title if its original position ends up covering important action in the video, and make it display on screen for a longer amount of time as well. The default duration for a title is five seconds, but we can make it longer or shorter as needed.
Let's edit the title we just added to the sequence. We'll change the font and the color of the shape behind the title, as well as extend the duration of time the title is on-screen.
To select the title text, in the Preview monitor,
Double-click the text “Cat Facts”
The Graphics panel will open on the right side of the Premiere Rush interface.
To change the font, in the Font field in the Cat Facts section of the Graphics panel,
Click, type: Tahoma Enter key
NOTE: If the font Tahoma is not available on your system, feel free to choose a different font.
To make the font bold, in the Style field just underneath the Font field,
Click, Click Bold
Repeat steps a and b with the subtitle text.
To start changing the color of the shape behind the title, in the Graphics panel,
Click the first instance of
To change the color of the shape,
Click, choose any color you like
To accept the changes to the color, in the Color Picker dialog box,
To indicate where we want the title to end, on the timeline,
Press & Drag the playhead to the 7-second mark on the timeline
To change the duration of the title clip,
Point to the right edge of the clip, Press & Drag the right side of the clip to the playhead
Ensure the title clip is still selected in the timeline.
On the timeline, move the playhead until the title text is visible on the screen.
To begin repositioning the title text, in the Preview monitor,
Click away from the text
At this point, the video preview in the Preview monitor will have handles at each corner and in the middle of each side, as indicated by the arrows in the following screenshot:
When the handles are displayed, this means we're ready to move the title.
To move the title, in the Preview monitor,
Press & Drag the title to the lower right corner of the video
Creating a title template
After customizing a title's appearance, the modifications can be saved as a new title template. When a template is saved based on our changes, it saves not only the font and color changes we've made, but also changes to the position of the title on the screen. Once we've saved a title as a template, we can reuse it in other projects we make.
Let's practice this now by saving the changes we've made to the Cat Facts title as a new template.
To select the title, if necessary, in the timeline,
Click the Cat Facts clip
To start saving a new template, in the upper right corner of the Graphics panel,
Click, Click Save As
To name the template, in the Save Template As dialog box, type:
Cat Facts title
To finish saving the title template,
The title template will now show up in the Saved collection when viewing the Graphics collection in the Media Browser, and can be used in other projects.
At this point, we can close the project and move to the next lesson.