Let's add a new worksheet to this workbook. In this worksheet, we will keep track of the daily sales for one fundraising booth. We will set up the worksheet to show the date, location, and sales for the booth at the entrance of the park.
We will use the AutoFill handle to make entering data faster and easier.
To add a new worksheet, at the bottom of the Excel window,
A new, blank worksheet opens. By default, this sheet is named Sheet2. It is good practice to rename new worksheets as they are added. We are going to track the sales for the fundraising booth at the entrance of the park. So we will name this sheet "Sales - Entrance."
NOTE: New worksheets are named in numeric order. Depending on recent Excel tasks, your new worksheets may be numbered differently than the examples in these materials.
To select the current worksheet name,
To rename the worksheet, type:
Sales - Entrance
To accept the new name, on the keyboard, press:
Enter key
The new worksheet has been named and is now active.
Adding column headings
We're now ready to begin adding content to the worksheet. Let's begin by adding the column headings: Date, Location, and Sales.
Make cell A1 the active cell, if necessary.
To add the column heading, type:
To move to the next cell, B1, on the keyboard, press:
Tab key
To add the second column heading, type:
To move to the next cell, C1, on the keyboard, press:
Tab key
To add the third column heading, type:
To accept the entry in cell C1, on the keyboard, press:
Enter key
To select the column headings,
Press & Drag A1:C1
To make the column headings bold, on the left side of the Home tab,
Deselect the range.
Using the AutoFill handle to enter data
Earlier in this course, we used the AutoFill handle to copy a function to adjacent cells. However, the AutoFill handle can also be used to make data entry easier, faster, and more accurate.
Using the AutoFill handle to complete a series
When Microsoft Excel can recognize part of a series (such as dates or days of the week) or pattern (101, 102, 103...), the series or pattern can be continued by pressing and dragging the AutoFill handle to adjacent cells.
Let's type the first date in cell A2 and then use the AutoFill handle to add the remaining dates.
Make cell A2 the active cell, if necessary.
To add the first date, type:
To accept this date, on the keyboard, press:
Enter key
Now that the first date has been entered, we can use the AutoFill handle to add the remaining dates.
Let's add the dates for the rest of the week, to 6/11/2022.
When the date was entered, Microsoft Excel automatically adjusted the number format to Date. Before we add the remaining dates, let's confirm that this happened as expected. In the middle of the Home tab, the Number Format drop-down should show Date (). If another format is selected, take a moment to change it.
To change the number format to Date, if necessary, in the middle of the Home tab,
Click , Click Short Date
To select the AutoFill handle,
Point to
The cursor changes to a small, black cross:
To fill in the remaining dates,
Press & Drag the AutoFill handle to cell A8
The dates are in column A. However, they may not appear as expected. When numeric data doesn't fit in a cell, Excel fills the cell with a series of hashtags (########). To remedy this, it may be necessary to widen the column.
To see the resize cursor,
Point between the column A and column B headers
The cursor changes to the resize cursor:
To widen column A, if necessary,
Double-Click between column A and column B
The column is now wide enough for all of the dates to be visible.
With the dates in place, let's add the location.
Using the AutoFill handle to copy text data
We are entering the daily sales for the fundraising booth near the entrance of the park. Therefore, the location for each date will be "Entrance." The data for this location will be added to the data for the other booth locations, so while the location may seem repetitive now, it will be important later.
We could add the location to cell B2 and use traditional copy/paste methods to copy it to the other cells. But when the data is being copied to adjacent cells, the AutoFill handle makes the process quick and easy.
Make cell B2 the active cell.
To add the location, type:
To accept this data, on the keyboard, press:
Enter key
To copy the location from B2 to B8,
Press & Drag the AutoFill handle to cell B8
Deselect the cells.
The location, Entrance, has been copied to the adjacent cells.
Adding numeric data to the worksheet
Now that we've done all we can with AutoFill, we will have to manually enter the daily sales in column C.
Enter the following amounts in column C:
Cell reference
The worksheet is almost complete. Before we're ready to move on, we need to format the Sales column as currency.
To select column C,
To format the selected cells as currency, in the middle of the Home tab,
Click , Click Currency
Deselect the column.
To save the worksheet, on the keyboard, press:
Control key + S
Now that the sales for the Entrance location have been entered, we're ready to add this data to the worksheet that contains information for all of the locations.