In Premiere Pro, we can export a sequence to a wide variety of media file formats. When exporting a sequence, we have complete control over the quality and display dimensions of the exported video.
In Premiere Pro, each sequence is exported as an individual video file. If you have multiple sequences you want to export as a single video, you'll need to combine the sequences into one larger sequence before exporting.
To start the export process, we’ll want to make sure that the sequence we want to export is the active sequence in the Timeline panel. After that, we’ll switch to the Export workspace to view the options for exporting a sequence.
If necessary, to open the sequence to export, in the Project: Dances panel,
To switch to the Export workspace, on the left side of the header bar near the top of the Premiere Pro window,
The Export workspace will display:
On the far left side of the screen, we have the Destinations panel, which allows us to choose where to export the video. There are many options here, including saving the video to the computer we’re working on, publishing the video to several different video hosting services, and even sending the video to a cloud storage location. In the Settings panel, we can change the file name and format of the video, and adjust advanced settings for specific aspects of the video. The Preview panel gives us the opportunity to preview the video before we export it, and shows details about the video’s source sequence and output settings.
We can export the sequence to several different file formats, including video, audio and still image formats. The format you choose will depend on what the video’s ultimate destination is — for videos that will be shared online through services like YouTube, you'll want to export the video using the H.264 format, which is a widely used video compression standard that results in reasonable file sizes without sacrificing video and audio quality. Using the H.264 format will give us an MP4 file that can then be uploaded to any video hosting service.
Let's export the video now. By default, Premiere Pro will name the file after the sequence that's being exported, and export the video file to the same folder that the project is saved in. We can change the name of the exported video to something more descriptive, as well as change the location the video is exported to and change the format to H.264. Once we’ve made those changes, we’ll export the finished video using the Export button in the lower right corner of the Export workspace.
To change the file name for the exported video, if necessary, in the File Name field of the Settings panel,
Press & Drag over the text in the File Name field, type the desired name for the video file
NOTE: If you're working with the dance video that was created in previous sections of the materials, name the file Dances.
To change the format to H.264, if necessary, in the Format drop-down,
Click, Click H.264
To change the location where the file will be saved, in the Location field of the Settings panel,
NOTE: The file path displayed in the Location field will show a different location on your computer than the location shown in the screenshot.
Navigate to the location on your computer where you would like to save the video file.
To finish selecting a new location for saving the file, in the lower right corner of the Save As dialog box,
To export the completed video, in the lower right corner of the Export workspace,
After clicking the Export button, you'll be moved back to the Edit workspace. A dialog box will appear, showing the progress of the video export. This process may take some time, depending on your computer’s hardware specifications. Once the video is finished exporting, you’ll see a confirmation in the lower right corner of the Premiere Pro window indicating that the video has successfully been exported. If desired, you can view the exported video at this point, or simply exit Premiere Pro.
Open a file browser window and navigate to where the video file was exported to on your computer.
To open the video file, in your file browser,
Double-Click the video file
The video will open in your computer’s default application for playing videos, and you can play the video to see the finished project.